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Get the All-Access Pass for only $97!
Over 20 expert interviews to watch whenever you want, as many times as you want, for life...
Transform Your Table
Exclusive Workshop with Katie Kimball (a must-watch if chicken nuggets, fries, and fights occur nightly and you’d like to enjoy cooking at eating with your kids)
Bully-Proofing Made Easy
An Exclusive Workshop with Israel Kalman (a radical, empowering, and proven approach to supporting children facing bullying with their peers)
Transform Your Anger
An Exclusive Workshop with Afshan Tafler (strong-willed kids have the manual on your buttons, so you need the manual on understanding our anger)
How to Cope with Crying and Meltdowns
An Exclusive Workshop with Patty Wipfler (this is a must-not-miss tool if you’ve got a kid melting down right as we speak)
Group Call with Your host, Sonali Vongchusiri
Want to know what it's like to be supported directly by Sonali? You'll get a sneak peek into our membership, The Cove, to experience one of our Cove Connect Q&As.
Audio recordings
To conveniently listen while you walk, commute or do chores.
For the investment of a few dinner out, you get concrete steps toward a lifetime of peaceful dinners!
The bonuses alone are worth over $200!
During Series Special $97 (Over 50% discount)
(After June 19th, Lifetime access increases to $197)
Get the all-access pass!