Discover Your Parenting Personality with This Quick Quiz for Parents
Sep 13, 2024
Where do your natural instincts serve you and your child?
Parents often come to Forward Together when they are struggling. Day to day interactions between them and their children feel hard. Traditional parenting methods don’t work how they’d expect - and actually often backfire. Instead, days together feel tense when it seems like they should feel joyful.
Some parents tell me it feels like they come from a different planet from their children!
This “alien-ating” feeling often comes down to a difference in personalities and temperament. It’s not that you can’t get on; it’s that your styles of communication and what you need aren’t aligned. When a parent’s natural parenting personality doesn’t match their child’s it leads to misunderstandings - and tension.
I created this quiz for parents to determine their natural instincts, or what I call their parenting personality. It reveals where their parenting personality serves the relationship well, and the spots that could use a little help.
Why take a quiz? Understanding your parenting personality
Each parent has a unique approach to parenting, influenced by various factors, including their own upbringing, values, and beliefs. Understanding your parenting style will invite you to reflect on your parenting methods and beliefs. The results will also shape how you interact with your child.
Sometimes, we may not even realize the patterns we fall into as parents. The quiz can help you uncover these patterns and gain a deeper understanding of your parenting style.
Parents find that taking this quiz can provide a layer of validation and reassurance. Parenting can be challenging, and it's easy to doubt ourselves. The quiz results will affirm the positive aspects of your parenting - those parts where you feel empowered and content in your style.
It will also highlight more specific challenges you may face as a parent according to your parenting style and share suggestions on how to overcome them. You’ll gain insight into how you can communicate with your child to create a more harmonious relationship.
A love note about parenting styles versus parenting personalities
Now, when you typed in “parenting quiz” or “quiz for parents,” you may have expected to hear about “parenting styles.”
These are three parenting styles that psychologist Diana Baumrind identified in the 1960s. You’ve probably heard about them:
- Authoritarian: This parenting style is characterized by strict rules, high expectations, and little room for flexibility. Parents who adopt this style believe in discipline and obedience.
- Permissive: Permissive parents tend to be lenient and indulgent. They often prioritize their child's happiness and avoid setting firm boundaries.
- Authoritative: This style strikes a balance between strictness and warmth. Authoritative parents set clear expectations and rules while providing emotional support and encouragement.
Later, researchers identified a fourth style:
- Uninvolved: Uninvolved parents have limited involvement in their child's life. They may be neglectful or indifferent, lacking in emotional support and guidance.
Today, I find these labels reductive and ultimately problematic.
It's been 70 years since these categories were identified. Since then lightyear's worth of leaps into brain science and child psychology have appeared. It’s not to say the original categories aren’t still true or valid, but we know so much more now about traits, tendencies, motivation, mindset, development and neurodiversity that they appear basic.
Yet, there lingers a common misconception that traditional parenting methods should work - at least for parents in the authoritative style. When we believe that a set of standard tools work for the majority, which also believe that anyone outside the majority is somehow lacking.
Plot twist: This is not true!
Perhaps this is why, over the last decade or so, we have seen an increase in the amount of parenting styles and approaches, including gentle parenting, attachment parenting, conscious parenting and more. The four parenting styles don’t always take into account current scientific knowledge - and what we see in our own families. Other approaches have grown to serve us better - and it’s certainly why I started Forward Together.
Pop Quiz! What Kind Of Parenting Style Is Forward Together?
Fun fact: Forward Together veers toward an authoritative approach. That is we bring together expectations and warmth. But many, many parents we work with do not see good results using the traditionally recommended parenting methods that can be a part of this approach.
This is why I call us responsive parenting. You can read more about that in this post: Is Forward Together A Permissive Parenting Approach?
What I want you to know - what you should know - is that your experience is lived and valid. You and your family deserve information and guidance so you enjoy connected, nourishing relationships. That’s why I set up Forward Together.
It’s also why the quiz results you will receive are not based on the parenting styles listed above.
If you are here for that, keep reading!
How to take our quiz for parents
Grab a drink, find a cozy spot, and get ready to dive into the world of parenting personalities. Here's how you can take the quiz:
- Click on the quiz link to start
- Answer each question in the way that feels most aligned to your general approach to parenting.
- Submit your answers.
- Voila! We’ll send you your personalized parenting personality results right away.
Remember, no parenting style is preferred, or perfect, and it's common for parents to dip into other styles depending on the situation and their own experiences.
Your results will provide a starting point for self-reflection and exploration. Use them as a guide to better understand your strengths and areas where you can grow as a parent. We have plenty of resources you can use to help you on your journey.
I look forward to guiding you on that path to responsive, joyful parenting.